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Dr. Jason Uchida (ND)

Aloha! Thank you for visiting my website.
Many of you have never experienced the power of naturopathic medicine
and the unparalleled healing force of the human body.
Since I began my practice in 1988, naturopathic medicine has literally helped thousands of my patients recover from the most severe and life threatening diseases and many other chronic ailments that conventional medicine had no answer.
In this section of hope, my patients share their courageous and inspirational stories with you. If I may say so, their stories of recovery are incredible, amazing and heartwarming. I hope that their stories provide you an understanding of how naturopathic medicine can help harness the tremendous healing potential that God has instilled in the human body to heal itself.
Please enjoy their stories. My hope is that they inspire in you, the hope that true health is attainable, and you can have it when you are ready!
God bless you,
Dr. Jason Uchida and his patients
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care system founded on the honored universal principle that nature is the ultimate healer. Its roots go back beyond the time of Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine.” Today, it is recognized as a distinguished licensed medical profession in the United States and throughout Europe.
The law of naturopathic medicine dictates that our body has the innate ability to maintain and restore optimum health, no matter what its current status may be. A physician’s true role is to support this process by using modalities of treatment that work in harmony with the body’s own natural healing power. Naturopathic physicians use non-invasive treatments which minimize the risks of side-effects and potentiate the body’s healing mechanisms. treatment unique to your condition.
How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help You?
Dr. Uchida specializes in the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. Disease develops when a complex set of interactions among the physical, nutritional, physiological, environmental, emotional and other lifestyle factors are out of balance. All symptoms of illness are messages from your body indicating that the delicate balance within its system has been disrupted. Dr. Uchida takes all of these factors into account, then identifies and removes any obstacles that block or prevent optimum health.
Dr. Uchida strives to restore health and establish optimal fitness by teaching you how to first listen and understand your body’s messages, and then focuses the treatment in response to them. The treatment may entail altering harmful lifestyle choices, education on proper nutrition, strengthening digestion, absorption, immune function, elimination, exercise, and specific modalities of treatment unique to your condition.
the practice of
Dr. Jason Uchida (ND)
Aloha! Thank you for visiting my website.
Many of you have never experienced the power of naturopathic medicine
and the unparalleled healing force of the human body.
Since I began my practice in 1988, naturopathic medicine has literally helped thousands of my patients recover from the most severe and life threatening diseases and many other chronic ailments that conventional medicine had no answer.
In this section of hope, my patients share their courageous and inspirational stories with you. If I may say so, their stories of recovery are incredible, amazing and heartwarming. I hope that their stories provide you an understanding of how naturopathic medicine can help harness the tremendous healing potential that God has instilled in the human body to heal itself.
Please enjoy their stories. My hope is that they inspire in you, the hope that true health is attainable, and you can have it when you are ready!
God bless you,
Dr. Jason Uchida and his patients
HMSA PPO and Devoted Health plans now cover naturopathic medicine and Dr. Jason Uchida’s services. Call (808) 589 1955 or HMSA and Devoted Health plans Hawaii to learn more.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care system founded on the honored universal principle that nature is the ultimate healer. Its roots go back beyond the time of Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine.” Today, it is recognized as a distinguished licensed medical profession in the United States and throughout Europe.
The law of naturopathic medicine dictates that our body has the innate ability to maintain and restore optimum health, no matter what its current status may be. A physician’s true role is to support this process by using modalities of treatment that work in harmony with the body’s own natural healing power. Naturopathic physicians use non-invasive treatments which minimize the risks of side-effects and potentiate the body’s healing mechanisms. treatment unique to your condition.
How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help You?
Dr. Uchida specializes in the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. Disease develops when a complex set of interactions among the physical, nutritional, physiological, environmental, emotional and other lifestyle factors are out of balance. All symptoms of illness are messages from your body indicating that the delicate balance within its system has been disrupted. Dr. Uchida takes all of these factors into account, then identifies and removes any obstacles that block or prevent optimum health.
Dr. Uchida strives to restore health and establish optimal fitness by teaching you how to first listen and understand your body’s messages, and then focuses the treatment in response to them. The treatment may entail altering harmful lifestyle choices, education on proper nutrition, strengthening digestion, absorption, immune function, elimination, exercise, and specific modalities of treatment unique to your condition.
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